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Custom tailoring in sales training

Further sales training that really fits the bill

We bring to bear our many years of know-how in terms of teaching and content and in discussions with you and your employees we put together the sector topics and company-specific topics that will further advance your sales success. Training therefore that is tailored exactly to you and your team!

One example: it was important to consider the following sales training priorities for employees in the retail industry:

  • Increasing the self-motivation of the sales staff

  • Strong increase in sales skills

  • Sustainable change in your understanding of value for money

  • Complaints from customers as a opportunity for self-awareness

VBC teamed up with the company's management and sales management to create an industry-specific, 18-month individual learning programme for the retail sales team. The “inhouse” sales training sessions (face-to-face training) included topics such as "self-motivation", "fighting fit for selling", "complaints as opportunities" and "price negotiations made easy". After the respective training session, the employees then took part in shop coaching in their daily work. The sales staff received a further boost to their learning through courses on the VBC eLearning platform.