Individual support for more success in sales
Personal mentoring
Are the sales staff in your company also very different?
Responding to this is only possible if differing learning and teaching methods are used that allow your sales staff to be supported individually. In concrete terms, this means that our TriStream® learning programme alternates "inhouse training in the seminar room” with learning units on the internet, discussions with your respective tutor, reading a book, listening to an audio book or an online session in a virtual seminar room.
This mix of appropriate forms of learning is called “blended learning".
TriStream® ensures you can respond individually to sales staff and can tailor the training exactly to their respective sales experience. The staff spend more time in the company while at the same time being able to actively optimise their own abilities and instantly putting what they have learned into practice.
The content of each training session includes a corresponding "achievement journal": a learning and work book with a script, worksheets for the training as well as instructions and the option to document individual self-learning units. These self-learning units (short training sessions lasting about 10 to 20 minutes) efficiently support the consolidation of what has been learned and above all the transfer of the latter into practice. The self-learning units required are individually agreed as required during training and thus are tailored to the personal strengths and potential of each individual participant. Ideally, the achievement journal is also used successfully by the respective senior manager as a coaching instrument (for example during the employee appraisal).
Practice: where and when you want
In order to further increase implementation in your own work, VBC has developed additional learning units and analysis methods. Different tests provide information about an individual’s own training level and, thanks to specially developed elearning, the VBC learning platform also allows the respective training content to be studied and practised anytime and anywhere.
Mentoring by tutors
Training participants will be accompanied by a professional VBC tutor throughout their training. VBC tutors are sales professionals with a background in training and special training in coaching. They act as motivators, are always there if you have a question with respect to content or organisation and offer individual support when transferring training into practice. In the course of coaching calls by telephone, the participants are provided with structured support in the implementation of personal learning projects.
Refresher packages
Refresher packages allow past content to be recalled thus brought back into the focus of learning projects. More.
Excellent sales tests
The online tool for checking personal specifications is called sales competency check (SCC): This 20-minute online self-assessment test was developed by VBC in cooperation with the Vienna University of Economics and Business and received the research award from the Mannheim University of Cooperative Education in 2009.
- The online transfer check (OTC) is used for individual knowledge checks and practice motivation after a training phase has been completed. This online test is tailored to the topics of the seminar, complements the existing contents of the attendance parts and allows a personal performance assessment and success check to be carried out to consolidate individual training achievement.