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K. Thomas Laux

VBC franchisee


Professional background:

  • Independent VBC partner in Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich

  • More than 20 years of experience and success in sales in German and American corporations as well as medium-sized companies, including 12 years in management positions with staff responsibility


  • VBC franchisee, trainer and sales education

  • Studies "Leadership Competencies" at the University of Augsburg with the focus on "emotional intelligence", "moderation", "motivation", "communication", "leadership style analysis"

  • Various training courses in sales, communication and leadership

  • Studied economics with the focus on human resources, business management/organisation and marketing at the University of Augsburg, degree in business administration

Personal details:

Born in 1965 in Marburg an der Lahn, has lived in Bavaria since 1981 and also feels like it, married, 2 sons, passionate athlete: Nordic skating, Nordic walking, biking, fitness.


Life’s motto:

"What you have to learn in order to do it, you learn by doing it."



K. Thomas Laux
VBC Franchisee
Balduin-Helm-Str. 39
82256 Fürstenfeldbruck

Mobile: +49 152 05633317   
Tel.: +49 8141 5338468           
Skype: thomaslaux.vbc

K. Thomas Laux

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Oder contact my coordinator Manuela Laux.