
International hotline, free of charge:
00800 200 200 20

Stefan Schöttler

VBC franchisee


Professional background:

  • VBC franchisee
  • 3 years working in the technical field service and key account area (investment goods & service sector)
  • 7 years as head of sales in the construction supply sector
  • 10 years as managing director in marketing and sales
  • 17 years of leadership experience in total


  • Marketing and sales economist degree
  • Degree in business administration

Personal details:

Born in 1979 in Dortmund, loves to travel and do sports, former competitive amateur boxer.


Life’s motto:

Always go straight ahead and be grateful.



Stefan Schöttler
VBC franchisee
Hochgratblick 4
88260 Argenbühl

Tel.: +49 171 209 6554