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Programme 12 in retail

Here’s how to become a top retail seller in just a year


The demands on retail sellers are manifold. In order to be able to cover these in practice on a personal level, we work together to create an annual programme. The focus is on the needs of the seller personality, for example, self-motivation, dealing with complaints, service orientation, discussions, needs assessment, offer presentation, dealing with objections, language and body language, dealing with rebate requests, sales, additional sales and combined sales, customer loyalty measures.



4 personal coaching sessions each lasting about 3 hours (start and finish meeting before month 1, interim session after month 6, final session after month 12). At the end of each month, scheduled telephone coaching (30-60 minutes). 365 days of “passive” support via telephone & email.

Afterwards you will be able to:

  • Turning more prospects into customers
  • Turn sales knowledge into sales success
  • Test new procedures and implement them successfully
  • Make more sales with buying customers
  • Radiate confidence in difficult sales situations
  • Make permanent customers regular customers

Additional benefits and specifics:

  • Individually created programme for individuals
  • Personal scripts and handouts

Duration: 12 months