Banks and financial service providers
With the financial industry having undergone major market changes in recent years, the financial world is no longer what it used to be. Although most of the "black sheep" had to leave, they left behind customers whose behaviour is often characterised by investment losses and the resulting existential fears and mistrust. The positive thing about this is that customers today are more sensitive to the entire financial industry than ever before and now the era of customer focus has arrived. And with it the era of dedicated and ethical sales staff.
The legitimate requirement for deep professional competence and social competence of employees must be taken into account today. The attributes of the new generation of banks and financial service providers are understandable financial products, a high level of transparency, credibility and a trusting relationship between clients and consultants. We demonstrate to you valuable work and communication techniques to confirm the trust of your customers and secure you the most valuable and profitable of all sales activities: Your personal recommendation. We look forward to hearing from you!