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Motor vehicle

Only designer fashion and eroticism are more emotional: For 93% of all customers, decisions regarding car purchases are based on emotions. Salesmen are responsible for this emotionality during the sales pitch. Selling cars is the supreme discipline in sales. There is hardly any other industry where sales people have more leverage.

The challenges are many and varied. Whether it’s about new cars or used cards: Customers, for example, do extensive research on the internet in advance, where countless portals with substantial offers and discounts lure them in - to then ask the regional dealer for the best price or additional services.

How can your sales staff best prepare for this situation? How do you permanently win over your customers in the field of repair and maintenance, and what makes the difference in terms of sales for the customer?

We would love to tell you personally how to turn a 50-unit seller into a 100-unit seller and a 100-unit seller into a 200-unit seller.