Self-motivation and resilience in the field
Here’s how to motivate yourself in daily life
Here you will discover:
Why motivation is a myth
Why good intentions often fail
How to successfully define your goals through self-motivation
How professional athletes and managers motivate themselves
How to motivate yourself
How to use the power of your thoughts to benefit yourself
How to recover after setbacks
What affirmations are and how to use them correctly
How to keep your energy level high
What you can do for your personal satisfaction
How to write your personal auto-suggestion
Afterwards you will be able to:
Correctly formulate your goals
Achieve specified goals easier
Formulate and use affirmations
Positively control the power of your thoughts
Programme your subconscious better
Handle setbacks quicker
Motivate yourself and others more effectively
Achieve a better balance between your work and private life
Organise your energy better
Lead a happy life
Additional benefits and specifics:
Up to 16 participants
Personal scripts and/or achievement journal
Tutorial support (project-dependent)
Transfer phase (project-dependent)
Participants will be sent their personal auto-suggestion CD for 2 to 3 weeks after the seminar at a cost price of EUR 25.00.
Classroom part: 1 day